September Sound Mapping

“The day will come when man will have to fight noise as inexorably as cholera and the plague.”

Robert Koch, 1905 Nobel Prize Winning Bacteriologist

The city is filled with noises – loud monotone sounds. Often in today’s world, silence is difficult to find and create. Quiet is good not only for us humans but also for animals. Quiet helps animals to communicate, and sense danger. Fans of silence have created quiet places map. Yet, nature is seldom really quiet, we just cannot hear natural sounds because our world is often filled with noises created by humans.

Creating a space, where kids can listen to nature can be a powerful experience. In biomimicry, we can start with a problem that we would like to solve. But allowing kids to follow and explore something that captures their interest in nature is an empowering exeprience. A great ah-ha moment can appear when we least expect it. Nurturing curiosity is the key to learning. Young children may listen for 1 minute or two, but it is not how long that is the most important thing. Listening like all skills takes time to develop.

A couple of years ago, we made a sound map in the garden. The autumn months are also filled with exciting sounds such as the wind rustling the leaves, acorns dropping, water trickling, and birds gathering in flocks.

Playing a game with kids where you tune into nature by disabling one or more of your senses is not only a fun game but also a great way to learn about nature. Below are some great videos to inspire you to hunt of sounds this autumn.

  • Can you identify the sounds?
  • What organism makes this sound?
  • What is the organism doing?
  • What is different when you close your eyes?
  • Does it make a difference if you hold your nose while you listen?
  • Do the sounds change during the night?

Autumn is also perfect for walking through a park looking for a colour.

  • Where can you find this colour?
  • Is there a pattern?
  • Is the colour still there after a couple of days?
  • Has the colour changed? Why? Why not?

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