Reindeer Challenge – Zero Waste Ideas for a Reindeer Party

Plastic is everywhere! Can you help design packing materials for a Reindeer Party to celebrate that all the Xmas gifts have been delivered around the world. Reindeer are vegetarians, so they eat only plants, During the summer months they eat grass and shrubs. Once the snow covers the tundra, they start looking for lichen. WhyContinueContinue reading “Reindeer Challenge – Zero Waste Ideas for a Reindeer Party”

Supertiny Bats with Superpowers

Unstoppable hunters of the night! A couple of weeks ago, we went for a bat walk in Sutton Park. Equipped with warm clothes and torches we searched for bats in the dark autumn evening using bat detectors. The rain was drizzling but luckily the bats still came out to feed. Bats are mammals and they areContinueContinue reading “Supertiny Bats with Superpowers”

Cherry Blossom Estate – Eco-friendly Houses Inspired by Nature

“build buildings like trees and cities like forests” William McDonough Ah, the dance of the cherry trees. Few things in nature are as lovely as the pink clouds of cherry blossoms. A wonderful way to welcome Spring. The loveliness is perhaps even more lovely since it is so fleeting. And the display in our gardenContinueContinue reading “Cherry Blossom Estate – Eco-friendly Houses Inspired by Nature”

A Beetle is Shy

This post contains adlinks. How would you describe a beetle?   Beetles can be colossal or tiny creatures. They can be colourful or plain, friendly and helpful or harmful. Beetles can even be tasty. And telegraphic!   During Spring beetles and bugs are everywhere we look outside, and it is the perfect time to exploreContinueContinue reading “A Beetle is Shy”

Non-Boring Trees

Are trees boring? Do all trees look the same? Ever heard of the Rainbow tree? Or seen a tree where the fruits grow on the bark? And what if you could see the roots of the tree? Thinking about and searching for information about trees is a great way to not only learn about natureContinueContinue reading “Non-Boring Trees”

How to Speak Monkey

Do you have any special food call? A special ice cream call? Or a banana call? Playing with language can be fun as well as a serious business. Watching the TED-Ed video by Anne Savage provided us with plenty of inspiration for pondering about how we communicate. A think dive into communication from a differentContinueContinue reading “How to Speak Monkey”

Festive Reindeer Mind Map

Get into the Festive Spirit and learn about the cool reindeer! Help Father Christmas and use biomimicry to invent new gadgets to make his life easier. Begin the biomimicry journey by making a Festive Reindeer Mind Map using Christmas decorations. We made a mind map from old decorations and wrapping paper. You can use tinsel,ContinueContinue reading “Festive Reindeer Mind Map”

Festive Biomimicry Reindeer

The Festive Season is perfect for exploring some magical fun! Reindeer are amazing. Wonderful inspiration for helping Father Christmas. Exploring questions, fun, silly and serious, that excite our mind and then looking for ways to put an answer together. Sometimes the solution will work, sometimes, especially when exploring the world with young children, the magicContinueContinue reading “Festive Biomimicry Reindeer”

Biomimicry Journal – Bubble Froth Inspiration

What if you can use foam to protect yourself from germs? What would you look like? Foam-nesting frogs build meringue-like structures to protect their young even under the harshest of conditions. The nests look delicate but they are tough structures. These types of frogs can provide inspiration for lots of ideas. Creating a Biomimicry JournalContinueContinue reading “Biomimicry Journal – Bubble Froth Inspiration”

What if a pile of colourful autumn leaves was used as inspiration?

A think dive into a pile of colourful autumn leaves. The forest is going to sleep. Days are getting shorter and the animals are squirreling away for winter. Plants and flowers are capsulated and the trees start to let go of their leaves. Autumn is a wonderful season for discovering what happens when nature slowsContinueContinue reading “What if a pile of colourful autumn leaves was used as inspiration?”

Be Inspired by Antarctic Ballet and Sliding Penguins

Running, hopping, waddling, jumping, sliding, porpoising, tobogganing, and diving penguins. Penguins are always ready for action. On land, they have rather poor eyesight but in the water, they have exceptional vision. They can dive up to 35 meters in the water. Why not draw a diving robot that can dive and see underwater? Or inventContinueContinue reading “Be Inspired by Antarctic Ballet and Sliding Penguins”

Biomimicry for Young Children – Inspired by Endangered Orangutans

On the third day of March We saved three Swinging Orangutans Our think dive this month is inspired by not only orangutans but also dreams about Easter bunnies and chocolate. After we have learnt that the production of palm oil is a major threat to orangutans we decided to make a chocolate bark using chocolateContinueContinue reading “Biomimicry for Young Children – Inspired by Endangered Orangutans”

Be Inspired by Frogs

Do you know why frogs have big eyes that bulge out? Or why frogs can walk upside down? Frog eyes are big and come in a stunning range of colours and patterns. Perhaps you have seen a frog resting in the water with only its eyes and nose above the surface. Frogs can protrude theirContinueContinue reading “Be Inspired by Frogs”

Slugs are Cool

Would it not be great if you could smell with your body just like a slug? Slugs are everywhere! And gooey slime is a wonderful substance that can solve many problems. Britain has ideal conditions for slugs to thrive – cool damp summers and warmish mild wet winters. Climate changes also contribute to turning ourContinueContinue reading “Slugs are Cool”

What is Biomimicry?

Biomimicry is an exciting way to inspire young children to be creative, and curious and to observe the world. Children come to understand how animals and plants can be used as a platform upon which ideas and inventions can be developed. Biomimicry bridges the boundaries traditionally found in education and provides young children with anContinueContinue reading “What is Biomimicry?”

Hunting for the Golden Ratio

Does the golden ratio exist in the world of art, architecture and design? Or is it a myth? Why not spend some time to check it out for yourself? The golden ratio is regarded as a way to define something beautiful. Great artists such as Salvador Dalí are said to have used the number sequenceContinueContinue reading “Hunting for the Golden Ratio”

Ice-Cream Roots – Mixing Ideas with a Touch of Magic and Imagination

Thinking, whether it is planning what information you need to solve a problem, exploring where in your body you feel certain, or searching for new ideas, is something that should be exciting and fun. For too long the image of a serious person sitting still and thinking about serious stuff have ruled. A creative approachContinueContinue reading “Ice-Cream Roots – Mixing Ideas with a Touch of Magic and Imagination”

Looking for Spirals in Nature

Filled with inspiration after having completed a course at Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) in Biomimicry: A Sustainable Design Methodology. One week was spent looking for patterns in nature. Like the fractal nature of tree branching and antlers. Or spirals like galaxies, shells, pine cones and sunflower heads. After a while, I startedContinueContinue reading “Looking for Spirals in Nature”

Exploring Concepts and Building Things

The focus during the first years of formal education is to teach children basic concepts such as height and length. Worksheets are often designed to help teach identifying what is the same and what is different, and to determine which things that go together. A concept is an abstract pattern in the brain that standsContinueContinue reading “Exploring Concepts and Building Things”

Cool Chocolate Challenge

Chocolate Bunnies provided inspiration for this challenge. Easter is after all chocolate time. Chocolate Easter eggs are an old tradition and the first eggs were made in Europe in the early 19th century. Some early eggs were solid, and the technique for mass-producing moulded chocolate had not been devised. France and Germany started this artisticContinueContinue reading “Cool Chocolate Challenge”

Biomimicry, Pasta and Mind Mapping – Dandelion Magic

Ahhh, you never really know where you might end up when you blow dandelion seeds. Watching the little parachutes dance away in the chilly spring breeze may spark all sort of ideas. Observe, listen, touch, smell and in some cases even taste. To be creative, and curious and to observe the world is an excitingContinueContinue reading “Biomimicry, Pasta and Mind Mapping – Dandelion Magic”

Dream up New Furnitures and Toys

Imagine a chair where you can insert your own drawings? Or a chair that just like a flower grows? Why not inspire your kids to dream up and design some cool furnitures and toys? Inventing new games, toys and furnitures are often tasks that are included in biomimicry material for young children. Milan design weekContinueContinue reading “Dream up New Furnitures and Toys”

Biomimicry Challenge – Day 7

Colour is my day-long obsession, joy and torment. Claude Monet Colour is important but it is rarely discussed outside the art lesson. Biomimicry offers a great opportunity to use colour in the classroom in interesting new ways to inspire creative thinking. Animals and plants may use their unique colouring for protection, attracting a partner, forContinueContinue reading “Biomimicry Challenge – Day 7”

A Day at the Beach – Inspired by Sandpipers and Seagulls

Building sandcastles, surfing on waves, and licking the world’s yummiest ice cream! A day at the beach can be truly magical. Children can tank their bodies with warm sun rays and their parents’ endless love. But it can also be a day filled with wonderous and mind-boggling ideas and questions. Dream, build and invent. InventContinueContinue reading “A Day at the Beach – Inspired by Sandpipers and Seagulls”

Autumn Owl Robo – Use Biomimicry to Teach Children to Think

I have big eyes. The big eyes help me to. . . Owls are most vocal in Autumn and you can twit-twhoo-ing when you make this craft inspired by owls’ big eyes. The big eyes help owls to see in the dark. We made an Autumn Owl robo with several eyes so that it canContinueContinue reading “Autumn Owl Robo – Use Biomimicry to Teach Children to Think”

Biomimicry Challenge – Day 6

Dandelions. Everywhere! Random is often not a very positive word so we have to teach children to embrace the idea of randomness. Randomness lies at the very heart of creative thinking. A random word or picture helps us to break patterns.We can think from a new and often unusual perspective. A random word or pictureContinueContinue reading “Biomimicry Challenge – Day 6”

Biomimicry Inspiration from Africa with Crocolicious Love

The Crocodile “No animal is half as vile As Crocky–Wock, the crocodile. On Saturdays he likes to crunch Six juicy children for his lunch And he especially enjoys Just three of each, three girls, three boys. From Dirty Beasts by Roald Dahl We had a period when we read rhymes from Dirty Beasts every night.ContinueContinue reading “Biomimicry Inspiration from Africa with Crocolicious Love”

Hunt for Straight Lines

What prevents a tree from growing in straight lines? Are there straight lines in nature? And are there right angles? The trees have lost most of their leaves and the structure of the trees are visible. So the other day we hunted for the tree with the straightest trunk and branches. When we look atContinueContinue reading “Hunt for Straight Lines”

Be a Rabbit Detective – Life Cycle, Biomimicry, Inspiration for Ideas

In a local park not far from our house there are lots of rabbits running around. Watching the bouncy rabbits is always an exciting time. Rabbits are also a common pet. And pets can provide the perfect inspiration for new ideas. Clipart Le Petite Market What if you were trapped in a cage with noContinueContinue reading “Be a Rabbit Detective – Life Cycle, Biomimicry, Inspiration for Ideas”

Endangered Frogs and Lily Pads – Biomimicry for Young Children

What would you think if there were no frogs to kiss? In stories, frogs are often portrayed as ugly and slimy. When frogs are not hopping off lily pads, or croaking”ribbit” in the pond, they are often said to turn into a beautiful prince or princess if you dare to kiss them. And it isContinueContinue reading “Endangered Frogs and Lily Pads – Biomimicry for Young Children”

Biomimicry Challenge – Day 4

Do you love animals that look a bit creepy? This challenge is for you! The aye-aye is a gremlin-looking creature found in Madagascar. But the lemur is a harmless creature unless you are a larvae. Aye-ayes are primates and related to chimpanzees, apes, and humans. They have several unusual traits, big eyes, big ears andContinueContinue reading “Biomimicry Challenge – Day 4”

Biomimicry Challenge – Day 3

A curious mind asks lots of questions and then search for answers. Question-asking is at the very core of thinking and innovation. A special kind of question that can be acted upon and lead to change in the way we look at things. Question asking is a skill that is different from typing rather predictableContinueContinue reading “Biomimicry Challenge – Day 3”

Autumn Leaves – Colour and Shape

Being a nature detective during the autumn can be a lot of fun. Mushrooms just waiting to be admired and sometimes even picked. If you walk quietly you may spot squirrels and birds. Acorns, conkers and pine cones can be collected and turned into wonderful arts and crafts. Piles of leaves just waiting for youContinueContinue reading “Autumn Leaves – Colour and Shape”

Eternal Magic Leaf Sheep Snack Bar and Photosynthesis – Biomimicry

A couple of weeks ago, I found the cutest little leaf sheep. A sea slug that looks adorable and who has the most amazing ability – an animal that can rely on sunshine for its nutrition. It sounds like a test from school and you would definitely fail if you ticked that genes from anContinueContinue reading “Eternal Magic Leaf Sheep Snack Bar and Photosynthesis – Biomimicry”

Sunday Walk – Autumn Biomimicry Food Challenge

The forest is coming to a standstill and animals are preparing for the colder weather. One year the theme for the Biomimicry Institute’s Global Design Challenge was How to improve food systems by looking to nature for design solutions. We decided to embrace this challenge on our Sunday walk. Autumn is a busy time forContinueContinue reading “Sunday Walk – Autumn Biomimicry Food Challenge”

Inspired by Endangered Sloths – Sloth Meditation

Imagine that you can be a sloth. What does it mean to find your inner sloth? Sloths are asleep a good portion of the twenty-four-hour day. The rest of the time they are slowly moving and feeding. What if you were licking an ice cream in a way that a sloth munches slowly on leaves?ContinueContinue reading “Inspired by Endangered Sloths – Sloth Meditation”

Biomimicry for Young Children Inspired by the Endangered Sloths

Bring slowness into the world! On the Second Day of February, We Saved Two Sleepy Sloths Would it not be great to stretch time? How can we celebrate slowfulness? William Beebe was a sloth researcher who was very impressed by the sloths’ slowness. He wrote, “Sloths have no right to be living on this earth,ContinueContinue reading “Biomimicry for Young Children Inspired by the Endangered Sloths”

Biomimicry for Young Children – Inspired by Endangered Dugongs

Dugongs spark our curiosity and tug our heart-strings. These sea cows are beautiful and fascinating creatures. The first day of January we saved One swimming dugong Inspired by the carol “The Twelve days of Christmas”, we made up a song where we each month saved an animal – The Twelve Months of Endangered Animals Song.ContinueContinue reading “Biomimicry for Young Children – Inspired by Endangered Dugongs”

Imagine a city! A Smart City!

People flying with their umbrellas as the wind blows. Paintings that escape from their frames. Buses are fish and fish fly in the sky! Imagine a City by Elise Hurst is an invitation to imagine all sorts of fantastic things. She encourages us to not only imagine fantastical cities but also takes the game aContinueContinue reading “Imagine a city! A Smart City!”

Biomimicry for Young Children – Magic DinoPills

What if you were a dentist? Can you invent something inspired by dinosaurs? Magnificent plant-eating dinosaurs provided inspiration for the idea of Magic DinoPills. The long-necked, plant-eating giants such as Diplodocus and Camarasaurus grew new teeth every couple of months. Their diet consisting of plants such a trees, bushes, cycads, ginkgoes and ferns worn downContinueContinue reading “Biomimicry for Young Children – Magic DinoPills”

Jelly Bean Frog Story Writing and Robos- Biomimicry for Young Children

Tiny, tiny, tiny frogs! Some frogs are the size of a jellybean. Jelly bean frogs – wonderful inspiration! Of course, we could not resist cutting out the tiniest frogs and putting them beside jelly beans. Brachycephalus frogs are less than 1 cm long (0.39 inches) or approximately the size of a jelly bean. They haveContinueContinue reading “Jelly Bean Frog Story Writing and Robos- Biomimicry for Young Children”

Spooky Spiderlicious Spycamera – Halloween Inspired Biomimicry for Young Children

Be inspired by Spiders to prevent a thief from stealing Halloween treats. Spiders! Oh no! Although I have never been afraid of spiders I must admit that finding a poisonous redback in my shoes in Queensland did make me jump back. The redback spider is a beautiful black spider with a big red stripe onContinueContinue reading “Spooky Spiderlicious Spycamera – Halloween Inspired Biomimicry for Young Children”

CroakMet Messaging Service – Biomimicry for Young Children

In the summertime, bike riding is, even more, fun! Yet there are several problems with bike riding. Frogs amazing bulging eyes and their low horse croaking sound provided inspiration to solve two of the most annoying problems. How to talk to your best friend without shouting? How to see everything that goes on behind you?ContinueContinue reading “CroakMet Messaging Service – Biomimicry for Young Children”