Books that Inspire Creative Thinking and Environmental Responsibility

"We have not come here to beg world leaders to care. You have ignored us in the past and you will ignore us again. We have run out of excuses and we are running out of time. We have come here to let you know that change is coming whether you like it or not.Continue reading "Books that Inspire Creative Thinking and Environmental Responsibility"

Transforming Education, Treasures and Great Nature Books

I picked the chestnuts on the street while walking my dog this morning. Autumn is almost here and the dark couds that covered the sky promised rain. Heavy rain. The horse chestnut is a stunning tree that is originally native to the mountains of northern Greece and Albania. It was introduced to the UK inContinue reading "Transforming Education, Treasures and Great Nature Books"

Inspiring Endangered Birds – Biomimicry and Biodiversity

Why is biodiversity important? How to increase biodiversity using BIOMIMICRY? In the film, The Birds produced and directed by Alfred Hitchcock the focus is on a series of sudden and unexplained violent bird attacks on the people of Bodega Bay, California. A classic horror film, however, the true horror is perhaps a world without birds.Continue reading "Inspiring Endangered Birds – Biomimicry and Biodiversity"

Summer Reading – Books for Curious Minds

Hurry out to sun with a pile of books. Or cuddle up on the sofa while you watch raindrops siding down the window panes at the same time as you flick through pages filled with exquisite and colourful fungi, animals and plants. Some books about nature that caught our eyes. Perfect books for lazy summer'sContinue reading "Summer Reading – Books for Curious Minds"

Inspiration for Biomimicry Story – Pink Fairy Armadillo

Pink fairy armadillo! The smallest of the armadillo family is a fascinating species that like so many animals on our planet is endangered. The animal is nicknamed sand digger and according to stories it can"burrow through the ground as fast as a fish can swim in the sea". It might be difficult to believe thatContinue reading "Inspiration for Biomimicry Story – Pink Fairy Armadillo"

Invent the Room – Sustainability & Biomimicry

I have spent sunny days in the garden reading the excellent Engineering Education for the Next Generation by Samuel Cord Stier, who is the executive director of The Center for Learning with Nature. This book together with wild gardening books, Wild Your Garden and Wildlife Gardening, provided the basis for the ideas about bringing sustainabilityContinue reading "Invent the Room – Sustainability & Biomimicry"

Dandelions – Doing it Nature’s Way

A plant revealing its wonderous secrets! Picking a Dandelion head, making a wish and blowing the puff into the air, watching as the little white fluff floats away on a light breeze is a lovely way to experience nature's magic taking place. Many people regard the dandelions as weed but it can also be seenContinue reading "Dandelions – Doing it Nature’s Way"

What happended when we all stopped

"I’ve often considered it strange that the most intellectual creature ever to walk the earth is destroying its only home. This wonderful story, What Happened When We All Stopped, helps parents and their children to overcome the disconnect between our clever brains and our loving compassionate hearts. We must find a way of living in harmony with nature so thatContinue reading "What happended when we all stopped"

Hummingbird Whisperer – Inspirational Videos

Irresitable Rufous Hummingbirds trust Maise. Migrating rufous hummingbirds are famous for their extraordinary flight skills. The hummingbirds remember feeders and flowers along the way to their breeding grounds. Due to climate change, many flowers that the birds feeds on during the breeding season have started blooming prior to the birds' arrival. The rufous may arriveContinue reading "Hummingbird Whisperer – Inspirational Videos"

Llamas, Biomimicry and Viruses

Will the llamas become heroes in the fight against covid-19? Llamas are gorgeous looking animals that have caputured many hearts with their soulful big eyes, funny haircut and velvety snout. The fluffy gentle giants have also attracted the attention of scientists studying antibodies. The remarkable antibodies of camelids, llamas, camels and alpacas, has been studiedContinue reading "Llamas, Biomimicry and Viruses"

Nature Drawing and Biomimicry Journaling

Our gardens, parks and forests are filled with wonders and beauty. Breathtaking wildlife and beautiful plants that give us life, it’s important to understand our world and nature drawing and biomimicry journaling give children an opportunity to enhance their understanding and appreciation of our earth. The Laws Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling provides greatContinue reading "Nature Drawing and Biomimicry Journaling"

Fluttering Beauties – Biomimicry & Butterflies

I love to mix art and science! Biomimicry is a great opportunity to take out art supplies. Spring is the perfect time to study butterflies. With their colourful wings and gentle fluttering, it is easy to understand why they are such a welcome sign of Spring. The arrival of butterflies is also an important measureContinue reading "Fluttering Beauties – Biomimicry & Butterflies"

Reconnecting with Nature

"We believe that the widespread adoption of nature-inspired solutions will catalyze a new era in design and business that benefits both people and the planet. Let’s make the act of asking nature’s advice a normal part of everyday inventing. We hope you will join us." Biomimicry Institute This year has been filled with changes andContinue reading "Reconnecting with Nature"

Project based learning perfect for homeschooling

Small, colourful and spectacular! Hummingbirds are beautiful and strong. They provide the perfect inspiration for great ideas! A wonderful way to keep schoolchildren happy and engaged at home as well as ensuring that they are continuing their learning is to start a project. Project-based learning is an engaging way to spark an interest in aContinue reading "Project based learning perfect for homeschooling"

Inspirational Video – Ferrets

What everyday problem could a body like a ferret solve? Love all the wonderful ideas that pop up while you watch this video of a ferret in slow motion. Like magic the ferret lowers and stretches itself out, making its body 30% longer. This helps they when they are running through small tunnels. Amazingly theyContinue reading "Inspirational Video – Ferrets"

For Google Classroom – Biomimicry, Manatees & Dugongs

When I started making Biomimicry resources I had a vision of what I wanted them to look like. Google Classroom has made it possible to get a bit closer. Still, some ideas that I would like to include. Things can always be improved. Edward de Bono said, "Good But Not Enough"! Mantees and dugongs makeContinue reading "For Google Classroom – Biomimicry, Manatees & Dugongs"

Biomimicry, Bushfires and Wombats

Wombats are one of Australia’s most loved marsupials, but they are often misunderstood. In children's books they are described as slow and clumsy, yet, they can actually run faster than a human or dog over a short distance. Muddle-headed wombats! No, they are quick to learn and they have adapted to their life underground. However,Continue reading "Biomimicry, Bushfires and Wombats"

Bushfires and Biomimicry

A dangerous summer is unfolding in Australia and so far millions, even billions animals have lost their lives in raging bushfires. Bushfires are common in Australia so animals and plants have developed various ways to survive and reproduce. This year, the bushfires are not normal, hundreds of fires are burning and the links to climateContinue reading "Bushfires and Biomimicry"

How to foster students’ love of learning, creative thinking and desires to improve the world

Bring nature and curiosity into your classroom! Learning is more fun and memorable when you are encouraged to ask questions and solve engaging problems. By inspiring your students to explore biomimicry you provide them with an opportunity to be amazed by the natural world. Biomimicry offers an opportunity to explore strategies and look for patternsContinue reading "How to foster students’ love of learning, creative thinking and desires to improve the world"

2020! Biomimicry an emerging trend!

Embrace the trend! Start 2020 with spending time in nature and ponder! Trendy! Biomimicry is an emerging trend that is slowly but surely entering the business world, universities as well as the classroom. It may not always be easy to embrace biomimicry. Yet, it is a wonderful feeling to search for exciting solutions to problemsContinue reading "2020! Biomimicry an emerging trend!"

Seven Worlds, One Planet – Inspirational videos

Funny, beautiful, excting, sad and heartbreaking. The BBC' s Seven Worlds One Planet has it all! A celebration of the diversity of life on each of the seven continents nearth, but also a hunting look into the challenges faced by animals in a modern world. Narrated by David Attenborough this is a real treat. AndContinue reading "Seven Worlds, One Planet – Inspirational videos"

Particle Robot – Inspirational videos

Particle robots, working as a an oscillating group do not have any need for centralised control. The particle robots change their rhythms based on how intense a nearby light is shining. Robots that work together in this way could move through different types of environments, even places that they have never visted before. Working togetherContinue reading "Particle Robot – Inspirational videos"

Nature, Invention, Biomimicry Books & Games

Books make a wonderful gift! Books are one of my biggest weaknesses. I love thin books, thick books, adult's book, children’s books, picture books and books with nothing but words! Here is a list of books that inspires us to look at nature. The books may challenge us to invent things, solve problems, dream andContinue reading "Nature, Invention, Biomimicry Books & Games"

Inspirational Autumnlicious & Spooktacular Videos – Spiders, Bats, & Owls

Flying bats, owls and even spiders. Be amazed and feel inspired by these wonderful creatures and use them as inspiration for wonderful imaginative Halloween creations. Move away from the plastic toys and costyms, and celebrate the wonder of nature this Hallween. If you serach for spiders, bats and owls in the serach box, there areContinue reading "Inspirational Autumnlicious & Spooktacular Videos – Spiders, Bats, & Owls"

Moss Green Shades & Mimic Stick Insect

"A world that shimmers in different moss green shades can be as beautiful as a colourful coral reef." Biomimicry with Theo & Tuva: Nature spotting inspires wild ideas Theo & Tuva are exploring nature in the warm spring sun, on warm summer days when the rain is pouring down, when the snow sparkles and onContinue reading "Moss Green Shades & Mimic Stick Insect"

Review of the book “Biomimicry with Theo & Tuva: Nature Spotting Inspires Wild Ideas” by Asa Jomard

I would like to thank and Erik for the review of my book. Go here to read the review. I hope this inspires you to have a look at the book. So far I have sold a couple of copies to the US and Japan! And the Sweden version is doing well!

Climate Change and Biomimicry

Can we capture carbon using plants and animals as strategic tools in our climate toolbox?. The global climate is changing, and the focus is often on decreasing the output of greenhouse gases via technologies or ideas such carbon offset or carbon taxes. Yet, reducing the emission of carbon is only one idea. We could accelerateContinue reading "Climate Change and Biomimicry"

What do you do with a tail like this?

Invent a gliding suit or a robot inspired by sugar gliders. Or a new sport inspired by short tails. What do You do With a Tail Like This? by Steve Jenkins is a striking book with intriguing facts. Explore amazing things that animals can do with their ears, eyes, noses, mouths, feet and tails! TheContinue reading "What do you do with a tail like this?"

A sharp idea – Biomimicry

The forest is home for thousands of species, big animals like bears, and deer, and smaller animals like hedgehogs, porcupines and rabbits. Thousands of ways to explore possibilities and be inspired. Porcupine Quills to Needles (21st Century Junior Library: Tech from Nature) by Jennifer Colby is a book in a series that aims towards providingContinue reading "A sharp idea – Biomimicry"

A summer filled with the sound of squirrels! – Sound Mapping

Sound is important when you are birding or bat spotting, but we can learn a lot about nature from closing our eyes and focusing on distinguishing signals. Our garden has this summer been bursting with the sounds of squirrels playing the trees. If we focused, we could hear them jumping from one branch to theContinue reading "A summer filled with the sound of squirrels! – Sound Mapping"

Books about Nature using pressed flowers

Summer evenings can be magical. Spending time the park or garden listening to the birds and watching the bees drinking nectar from the flowers. But summer evening can also be filled with thunder and lightning, which means that magic that can be found in nature can come by reading. Picture books bring the outdoors inContinue reading "Books about Nature using pressed flowers"

Breathe in nature, be inspired, solve problems, dream, build!

Biomimicry stimulates the imagination and inspires children to see nature as a place that offers both adventure and play, as well as a chance to discover the secrets of nature. Biomimicry is a way to explore the functions that animals and plants perform both themselves and in their ecosystems. This approach is a creative wayContinue reading "Breathe in nature, be inspired, solve problems, dream, build!"

Board Games for a Curious Biomimicrist

This post contains ad links. Summer and Board Games! Evolution Board Game, Climate Board Game and Evolution: The Beginner Board Game are great games for children who loves nature. The first two games are suitable for a little older children. The games come from North Star Games and they have quickly become very popular games.Continue reading "Board Games for a Curious Biomimicrist"

Puffilicious Rubbish Picker Litter Stick

The idea appeared yesterday when we were walking our dog. So many interesting ideas appear when you are walking. Walking improves creativty, according to a Stanford study. Stuck at home, staring at the walls, ideas seem hard to hatch. We have been thinking about the puffins but every idea seemed . . . boring .Continue reading "Puffilicious Rubbish Picker Litter Stick"

The City of the Birches – Biomimicry with Theo & Tuva

Our book "Biomimicry with Theo & Tuva: Nature spotting inspires wild ideas" is almost ready! Here is our backcover with a pale yellow-green birch. And beautiful birch heart! The birch has a little special meaning for all of us because Umeå is the city of the birches. Ann-Margrethe and I studied at university there togetherContinue reading "The City of the Birches – Biomimicry with Theo & Tuva"

Puffin Beaks Glow under UV light! Biomimicry Journal

Have you ever seen a puffin in the wild? One of the great things about biomimicry is that there is interesting information and great videos on the Internet and in the library. So, if you just like me have never had the pleasure of seeing a puffin in the wild, you can still study thisContinue reading "Puffin Beaks Glow under UV light! Biomimicry Journal"

Puffins – Clownlike inspiration

Puffins have been in the news this week. Sadly, climate change might be the reason behind the crested or tufted puffins decline in numbers in the Bering Sea. Although, I have previously used endangered animals as inspiration for ideas, when I selected puffins a couple of weeks ago for a new booklet that IContinue reading "Puffins – Clownlike inspiration"

Everything You Need For A Treehouse

"Treehouses are for wonder. Treehouses are for snacks.Treehouses are for whispers and snickers and echoes.Treehouses are for everyone." Ever dreamt of having a treehouse? A magical place where you can escape from reality. Everything You Need for a Treehouse by Carter Higgins and Emily Hughes is a wonderful celebration of treehouses. Children dream up fantasticContinue reading "Everything You Need For A Treehouse"

Celebrate Spring – Turn Blue for a Couple of Days

The wonderous world of frogs are a treasure trove of inpiration. There is something utterly magical about the idea to change skin texture or colour. Just look at the Moor Frogs (Rana arvalis) who turn blue Spring. Well, at least the males turn bright blue. They are usually reddish-brown like many other frogs. Blue isContinue reading "Celebrate Spring – Turn Blue for a Couple of Days"

Wild Buildings and Bridges

Nature and architecture are perfect partners! Are you planning a biomimicry challenge? The book Wild Buildings and Bridges: Architecture Inspired by Nature by Etta Kaner is a great introduction to using nature as inspiration to design and architecture. Thought-provoking questions and illustrated examples mixed with directions that invite children to build and explore their ideas.Continue reading "Wild Buildings and Bridges"

Moles with incredible noses and paws

The star-nosed mole incredible looking nose is not used to smell, instead, the nose is used to feel. Moles spend most of their time underground where it is dark so it is important with a good sense of touch. This fascinating animal is the only known mammal that can smell under water! Wow! The moleContinue reading "Moles with incredible noses and paws"

Ideas and Groundhogs are Everywhere!

The groundhog is an interesting character and a perfect animal to use as an introduction to biomimicry. If the various names this rodent is known under does not spark any ideas its behaviour and fascinating face might. Groundhogs are known as woodchuck groundpig, whistlepig, thickwood badger, monax, moonack, weenusk, red monk and, among French Canadians inContinue reading "Ideas and Groundhogs are Everywhere!"

Fungi Friday – Pretty in Blue

Blue is the rarest occurring pigment found in nature, which makes it even more thrilling to spot the blue velvet spread on a gloomy cold winter day. Terana caerulea is also known as cobalt crust fungus is a real beauty. Wonderful surprises are hidden in nature.  Little gems can be found everywhere if you take theContinue reading "Fungi Friday – Pretty in Blue"

Biomimicry for Young Children – Book

Happy to present the twins - Tuva and Theo. Soon you can read about their adventures and be inspired by their ideas. The working title of the book is Biomimicry for Young Children and the book will be available in an English and Swedish version. I am responsible for the writing while my dear friendContinue reading "Biomimicry for Young Children – Book"

An Egg is Quiet

This post contains ad links. Smashing the walls of a coconut takes some skill! An Egg Is Quiet (Nature Books) is stunningly beautiful and makes a fascinating introduction to the amazing world of eggs. Poetic text and wonderfully informative, it explores interesting facts about eggs that really spark curiosity and imagination. Written by Dianna HuttsContinue reading "An Egg is Quiet"

Dusky Lady Beetle Larva – Inspirational Video

Who can resist this spiky-looking little creature from the rainforest of Ecuador? Yet, looks can be deceptive, and the striking white tufts are waxy secretions that may protect the larva from predators. The larva may simple be very tricky to catch and may not taste very nice. The dusky ladybeetle belongs to the Coccinellidae, aContinue reading "Dusky Lady Beetle Larva – Inspirational Video"

Daydreaming about Ladybirds

November and not a ladybird in sight. The cold November weather has arrived and the pretty ladybird is hibernating. And somehow, the things you cannot see quickly become more interesting! The slow-motion video below of a ladybird taking off provides you with an opportunity to slow down. Being mindful is to slow down and observeContinue reading "Daydreaming about Ladybirds"

Cool and Warm Ptarmigan Sneaker Kit – Biomimicry for Young Children

What if, we could design a greener and cheaper shoe where you replace part of the shoe when the weather changes or when one part of the shoe is worn out? My strongest memory of seeing ptarmigan comes from a skiing holiday in the Swedish mountains. I never really liked cross-country skiing and on aContinue reading "Cool and Warm Ptarmigan Sneaker Kit – Biomimicry for Young Children"

Creepy Smelly Burglar Alarm

 Can you rethink the way burglar alarms are working? The creepy-looking devil's fingers sparked the idea. Looks are important but for this nature-inspired idea, the smells that the fungi release are more crucial for the alarm to work. A burglar alarm usually works by making a loud noise. The focus is on sending a messageContinue reading "Creepy Smelly Burglar Alarm"

Moth – An Evolution Story

The colour of an animal can decide whether it lives or dies. Moth is a story of the peppered moth written by Isabel Thomas, and illustrated by Daniel Egnéus. An awe-inspiring story about a speckled and freckled master of disguise. A fight for survival in a world that is changed by humans. Important and a bit sadContinue reading "Moth – An Evolution Story"

Devil’s Fingers – Spooky Video Inspiration –

Looking for non-plastic inspiration to celebrate Halloween? Nature is not always pretty and beautiful. It can be ghoulish and horrific! Imagine that you are out walking on a sunny autumn afternoon when you stumble across a fungus emerging from what looks like strange-looking eggs. Slender pinkish-red arms emerge from the top which creepily can moreContinue reading "Devil’s Fingers – Spooky Video Inspiration –"

Sea Slug Borrowers – Inspirational video

Spots, stripes, bold vibrant colours or soft milky pastels. Nudibranchs do everything to capture your attention. These soft-bodied creatures warn predators with their high-contrast markings and colours. But some sea slugs are a bit more cunning, and they steal stinging cells that they collect from hydroid prey. The nudibranch's gut is impressive, with fingerlike branchesContinue reading "Sea Slug Borrowers – Inspirational video"

Inspired by Wonderland: A Year of Britain’s Wildlife, Day by Day

 Red deer, squirrel, dormice, and harlequin ladybird for Halloween! October month is filled with fascinating animals and plants. There is plenty to see and sometimes wildlife is right on our doorstep if we know what to look for and how to look. The book Wonderland: A Year of Britain's Wildlife, Day by Day by BrettContinue reading "Inspired by Wonderland: A Year of Britain’s Wildlife, Day by Day"

Reindeer Challenge – Zero Waste Ideas for a Reindeer Party

Plastic is everywhere! Can you help design packing materials for a Reindeer Party to celebrate that all the Xmas gifts have been delivered around the world. Reindeer are vegetarians, so they eat only plants, During the summer months they eat grass and shrubs. Once the snow covers the tundra, they start looking for lichen. WhyContinue reading "Reindeer Challenge – Zero Waste Ideas for a Reindeer Party"

Dot-ish Positive Nature Words

Wild things Mud Faces Talking trees Adventure Peace Magical Fill a page in your Biomimicry Journal with positive nature words. Creative and inspirational energy is important when you think dive into nature. For young biomimicrists, looking at animals and plants with a positive and curious mindset is vital. We are after all hunting for possibilities!Continue reading "Dot-ish Positive Nature Words"

Supertiny Bats with Superpowers

Unstoppable hunters of the night! A couple of weeks ago, we went for a bat walk in Sutton Park. Equipped with warm clothes and torches we searched for bats in the dark autumn evening using bat detectors. The rain was drizzling but luckily the bats still came out to feed. Bats are mammals and they areContinue reading "Supertiny Bats with Superpowers"

Inspired by Fungi

Fly agaric, jelly ear, shaggy inkcap and sickener. How many fungi can you identify? And have you ever seen ghost fungus? Fungi grow in a range of different environments. They live in the soil, on plants and animals, in fresh water and in seawater. They even grow on your body! Many fungi are colourful andContinue reading "Inspired by Fungi"

Step out of the classroom and into nature

Looking for hands-on lessons and activities that engage children in environmental literacy? Biomimicry offers project-based instructions that may inspire future generations to care for nature and to see nature as a spot that offer not only calmness and spectacular experiences of beauty and drama but also can make your head twirl around with possibilities. PossibleContinue reading "Step out of the classroom and into nature"

Super Siri Spider Sieve

What lives in the ocean? Fish, dolphins, sea otters, whales, octopuses, plants, corals sea turtles and sea spiders. And plastic! Marine creatures are vulnerable to fragments of plastic littering the world’s oceans. Big animals such as whales are ingesting microplastics. Microplastics are small fragments of plastic, less than 5 mm.  There are different types ofContinue reading "Super Siri Spider Sieve"

Wobbly flight of the bumblebee – Inspirational Video

Summertime and the air is filled with beautiful buzzing bumblebees. It looks like they know exactly which flower that offers the best nectar. They are true connoisseurs. But appearances can be deceptive and their clumsy flight has been revealed by a high-speed camera. A high-speed camera allows us to magnify in time and we canContinue reading "Wobbly flight of the bumblebee – Inspirational Video"

A day at the Beach

Use the beach to spark your imagination! What can be better than to lie in silence at the shore, listening to the waves and watching sand grains roll back and forth? Explore beaches and admire sea shells while you breathe in the sea air. A day at the beach is a wonderful adventure. A greatContinue reading "A day at the Beach"

Inspired by Plantopedia

This blog post contains affiliate links. Bring the joy of plants to children! Parks, woodlands and gardens are dazzling with interesting plants. There are the stinkers, the air freshers, and the perfumed. Plantopedia: Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth (Wide Eyed)  by Adrienne Barman has all sorts of plants from the biggest, to theContinue reading "Inspired by Plantopedia"

Buildings inspired by Termite Mounds – Inspirational Video

What can be worse than spending a day in a too-cold classroom? Schools are often too cold or too hot for optimal learning. Research suggests that the best results are achieved when the room temperature is 22 degrees Celsius. A too-hot classroom makes students sleepy and a too-cold classroom makes them focus on ways toContinue reading "Buildings inspired by Termite Mounds – Inspirational Video"

Cherry Blossom Estate – Eco-friendly Houses Inspired by Nature

"build buildings like trees and cities like forests" William McDonough Ah, the dance of the cherry trees. Few things in nature are as lovely as the pink clouds of cherry blossoms. A wonderful way to welcome Spring. The loveliness is perhaps even more lovely since it is so fleeting. And the display in our gardenContinue reading "Cherry Blossom Estate – Eco-friendly Houses Inspired by Nature"

Biobing – Caterpillar Climbing Shoes

Inspired by the wonderful caterpillars in the previous blog posts, we designed some Biobing shoes. These shoes are made for climbing in the mountains. Just like a caterpillar you can climb upside down when you are wearing these shoes. There are little sticky caterpillar-shaped wheels that let you scale big rocks. These wheels automatically flattenContinue reading "Biobing – Caterpillar Climbing Shoes"

Blue Eggs and Blue Caterpillars – Inspirational Video

Blue! Blue is a rather rare colour in nature. But in this awe-inspiring video, there are blue eggs and blue caterpillars. Butterflies are incredible but in this video, the stars are eggs and caterpillars. The magic comes alive when you look closely at the tiny eggs and the wriggling caterpillars. A painted lady butterfly isContinue reading "Blue Eggs and Blue Caterpillars – Inspirational Video"

Biomimicrylicious Time

Finding engaging activities that inspire our children to be responsible guardians of Earth, is challenging. But biomimicry - learning from nature - can make all the difference. By using nature as inspiration children can find viable solutions and invent things that are characterized by a more natural and sustainable foundation. Children can search for patternsContinue reading "Biomimicrylicious Time"

Leaf Beetle -Inspirational Video

Almost anything is possible in the rainforest. And this stunning little beetle is only the start of the mystery. Most animals try to blend in with the environment. But how could this warty shiny fuchsia and purple beetle blend in? This beetle is found in the Amazon rainforest and is trying to mimic the droppingsContinue reading "Leaf Beetle -Inspirational Video"

Inspired by Gentle Giants – Giraffes

This blog post contains adlinks. Cool Giraffe Neck Twister Game Giraffe Jaws Giraffe Long Tongue Robot Come up with an idea for a giraffe invention. A useful or not-so-useful innovation inspired by the beautiful animals with long gracious necks, dark long tongues and four stomachs to help them digest their food. Illustrate your idea withContinue reading "Inspired by Gentle Giants – Giraffes"

A Beetle is Shy

This post contains adlinks. How would you describe a beetle?   Beetles can be colossal or tiny creatures. They can be colourful or plain, friendly and helpful or harmful. Beetles can even be tasty. And telegraphic!   During Spring beetles and bugs are everywhere we look outside, and it is the perfect time to exploreContinue reading "A Beetle is Shy"

Build a Character – Explore functions

This post contains ad links. Create your own creature. What is its name? What kind of habitat will it live in? What things can you invent inspired by the creature? Storytellers have invented all sorts of creatures, such as dragons and unicorns. But you can also invent a creature consisting of body parts of realContinue reading "Build a Character – Explore functions"

Cuddly Robots – Valentine Special

Valentine Special! Looking for ways to compliment reading some Lovable books about Valentine's Day with some fun exercises? Why not try Biomimicry with big LOVE? "How can you build a CUDDLY robot?" "What do you need to build a LOVE robot?" Maybe a big heart, or three hearts? You can buy the booklet filled withContinue reading "Cuddly Robots – Valentine Special"

The Birch Tree adds a Silver Lining

Trees are amazing! I was born in the city of birches, a city in the northern part of Sweden. So birches have always had a special place in my heart. They also like so many trees live a mysterious and secret life. Trees have so many stories that they want to tell, and they haveContinue reading "The Birch Tree adds a Silver Lining"

Non-Boring Trees

Are trees boring? Do all trees look the same? Ever heard of the Rainbow tree? Or seen a tree where the fruits grow on the bark? And what if you could see the roots of the tree? Thinking about and searching for information about trees is a great way to not only learn about natureContinue reading "Non-Boring Trees"

How biomimicry boosts students’ observation skills, creativity and critical thinking.

Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value. Ken Robinson Slugs and snails can usually be found hiding under branches and rocks in the schoolyard. Introduce students to biomimicry and you are likely to come across groups of students marvel at a slug or snail creep along the surface. This may not onlyContinue reading "How biomimicry boosts students’ observation skills, creativity and critical thinking."

Inspirational Video – How does a penguin launch itself from the sea?

Can you guess how quickly the emperor penguins launch themselves out at sea? Twice as quickly as their normal swimming speeds, swimming speed is 3.4 m/s (7.6 mph). It looks almost as if these rather heavy flightless birds are flying. The flight might be short but how do they do it? Penguins trap microbubbles withinContinue reading "Inspirational Video – How does a penguin launch itself from the sea?"

Wishlist for a Young Biomimicrist

Books, magnifying glass, journal and pencils. Here are some ideas to inspire a love for inventions and nature. Robert Macfarlane The Lost Words is a beautiful large-format children’s book with stunning illustrations by Jackie Morris. Go here to read a review. Feathers: Not Just for Flying by Melissa Stewart is a perfect introduction to feathers. FeathersContinue reading "Wishlist for a Young Biomimicrist"

How to Speak Monkey

Do you have any special food call? A special ice cream call? Or a banana call? Playing with language can be fun as well as a serious business. Watching the TED-Ed video by Anne Savage provided us with plenty of inspiration for pondering about how we communicate. A think dive into communication from a differentContinue reading "How to Speak Monkey"